Ubuntu web Server Load balancing through AWS ELB

Hello Dosto,

We will see about AWS ELB which is very popular while distributing load between multiple servers.

There are 4 types of load balancers in AWS-

  1.  Application Load Balancer
  2.  Network Load Balancer
  3.  Gateway Load Balancer
  4.  Classic Load Balancer

 Benefits of ELB-

  1. Highly availability and elasticity
  2. Security
  3. Feature breadth
  4. Robust monitoring & visibility
  5. Integration and global reach
Let's look into the use cases-
  1. Migrating to AWS
  2. Modernizing applications with serverless and containers
  3. Building a hybrid cloud
  4. Scaling third-party virtual appliances

Now Lets see How to configure AWS Load Balancer with 2 Ubuntu Web Servers.You can watch below video for getting idea "how to configure" 

After watch above Video lets start for New Demo with Ubuntu Servers.

  1. 2 EC2 instances with Ubuntu Server
  2. SSH access and port HTTP port opened from Security Group
  3. Install Apache Server on each instance
  4. Move default index.html in .bk file and create new index.html with below code.
      sudo mv index.html index.html.bak
      sudo vi /var/www/html/index.html 
      In that file, paste the following:
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>Welcome, TechAdda Cloudy !</h1> <p>This is WebServer </p> </body> </html>

        5. Repeat Step 4 for second web Server and you can give different name to both the servers.

Now both the web servers are ready.Lets start for creating ELB.

Select Load balancer type and follow the instructions.You can get complete process details on the below Video link 

