Jenkins on AWS




Jenkins Server- It is a opensource automation server that integrate with number of AWS services such as code commit, code deploy.

We will look How to install Jenkins Server in AWS.Let's begin.


1) An AWS Account

2) EC2 with Key pair 

3) SSH access 

4) Create Security Group and allow 80/8080 ports

Install and Configure Jenkins Server-

1) Connect your EC2 (Linux Instance)

2) Download and Install Jenkins

Install Jenkins- 

To ensure that your software packages are up to date run below command-

Step1- sudo yum update –y

Add the Jenkins repo using the following command-

Step2- sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo \

Import a key file from Jenkins-CI to enable installation from the package:

Step3-  sudo rpm --import

             sudo yum upgrade

Install Jenkins-

Step4- sudo yum install Jenkins java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel -y

Step5- sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start Jenkins as a service-

Step6- sudo systemctl start jenkins

Check the status of the Jenkins service using the command:

Step7- sudo systemctl status jenkins

Configure Jenkins- 

Connect by using server public DNS with Port then you will able to access it for further use.

<Public DNS:port>

Example- <>

For more details you can watch video on given link-


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