How to assign Static IP address to CentOS virtual machine through command prompt

 Step 1: Identify the Network Interface

Run the following command to list all network interfaces and their current configurations:

Command- ip a

Identify the name of the interface for which you want to assign a static IP address (e.g., eth0, ens33, etc.).

Step 2: Edit the Network Configuration File

Network interfaces are configured in files located under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/. You need to edit the configuration file of the specific network interface.

For example, if the interface is eth0, open its configuration file with:

Command- sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Step 3: Modify the Configuration

In the configuration file, you need to ensure that the settings reflect the manual IP address assignment. Update or add the following lines:






IPADDR=    # Replace with your desired IP address

NETMASK=    # Replace with your appropriate netmask

GATEWAY=      # Replace with your gateway

DNS1=             # Replace with your preferred DNS server

Step 4: Restart the Network Service

Once the configuration is updated, restart the network service to apply the changes:


sudo systemctl restart network

Step 5: Verify the Changes

To ensure the changes were applied, you can check the interface's new configuration using:

ip a

This will show the manually assigned IP address for the interface.


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