ALL about Docker/Kubernetes/Ansible
<reference links>
Kubernetes- Link
Minikube- Link
Kops- Link
Docker Installation-
1- sudo apt-get update
2- sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport https
3- install docker dependencies by using- sudo apt install
After that
4- need to start service by using below command-
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
Kubernetes Installation-
Before installing K8 let's install curl command which will use for pull data
5- sudo apt-get install curl
6- add key(sudo curl -s | sudo apt-key add)
7- Now change the permissions for source.list directory
sudo chmod 777 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
8-Create afile bythe nameof <kubernetes.list> and saveas in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/location
Add below url inthis file before saving it- deb kubernetes-xenial main
Let see then- cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
You will get output below like this- deb kubernetes-xenial main
9- Now let check if any updates are available- sudo apt-get update
10- Now let’s install kubernetes components
sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl kubernetes-cni
=================^^^Added in script^^===========================
11- Disabled swapping for other devices.
sudo swapoff -a
sudo kubeadm init <initializing master node>
12- To start using cluster , you need to run the following commands as a regular user:
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/ .kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u) :$(id -g) $HOME/ .kube/config
13- Deploying PODS
1)sudo kubectl apply -f
2) sudo kubectl apply -f
14- Get pods:
sudo kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
sudo kubectl get nodes
Let’s create a pod nginx-app
Command- sudo kubectl run --image=nginx nginx-app --port=80 --env="DOMAIN=clusters"
Exposing Port- sudo kubectl expose deployment nginx-app --port=80 -- name=nginx-http
Check pod status- sudo kubectl get pods
Showing status is pending
Installing virtual box to setup Minikube-
sudo apt-get install -y virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack
Download and install minikube, which runs a single node Kubernetes cluster on your machine…..
$ curl -Lo minikube
$ chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
$ minikube start
$ kubectl api-version
It is a collection of servers that combine available resources
It includes RAM,CPU,disk and their devices
It is collection of components that makes up the control panel of Kubernetes
Includes both scheduled and cluster events
It is a single host capable of running on a virtual machine
A node should run both kube-proxy and Kubelet which are a part of the cluster
The solution is container deployment. Containers work in isolated environments.
It makes easy for the developers to edit and deploy apps
Docker Swarm- It is a tool that allows to manage multiple containers
Hardware Components of Kubernetes:-
Nodes -
It is the smallest unit of hardware in Kubernetes which is a representation of a single machine in the cluster
A node is a physical machine in a datacenter or virtual machine hosted on a cloud provider
2) Cluster -
a) Kubernetes does not work with individual nodes.It works with the cluster as a whole
b) Nodes combine their resources to form a powerful machine known as cluster
c) When a node is added or removed, the cluster shifts around the work as necessary
3) Persistent Volumes
To store data permanently, Kubernetes uses Persistent Volumes
Local or cloud drives can be attached to the cluster as this volume
Persistent volumes, provide a file system that mounts to the cluster, without being associated with any node
Software Components-
Containers are used everywhere as they create a self contained environments for the execution of programs
The programs are bundled up into a single file (known as container) and then shared on the internet.Anyone can download the container and deploy it with easy setup
Multiple programs are added to a single container.Limit to one process per container as it will be easy to deploy updates and diagnose issues
2. Pods
A Pod represents a group of one or more applications containers bundled up together and are highly scalable
If a pod fails, Kubernetes automatically deploys new replicas of pod to the cluster
Pods provides two different types of shared resources- networking and storage
3. The Deployment
Pods can not be launched on a cluster directly, instead they are managed by one more layer of abstraction- the deployment
A deployment’s fundamental purpose is to indicate how many pods are running at the same time.Deployment also manages the cluster if a pod fails in the process
The manual management of the pods is eradicated when deployment is used
4. Ingress
Ingress allows access to Kubernetes services from outside the cluster
The multiple ways to add ingress to the cluster can be done through either an ingress controller or a load Balancer
It can provide load balancing,SSL termination and name - based virtual hosting
Mater Node-
The master node is the most vital component responsible for Kubernetes architecture
There is always one node to check for fault tolerance
The master node has various components like-
Controller Manager
API Server
ETCD (Cluster store)
This component stores the configuration details and essential values
It communicates with all other components to receive the commands and work in order to perform an action
It also manages network rules and post forwarding activity
It is a daemon (server) that runs in a continuous loop and is responsible for gathering information and sending it to the API server
It works to get the shared set of clusters and change them to the desired state of the server
The Scheduler assigns the tasks to the slave nodes
It is responsible for distributing the workload and, it stores resource usage information of every node
It tracks how the working load is used on clusters and, places the workload on the available resources
API server
API server validates and configures data for the api objects which include pods Services,replicationcontrollers, and others
The API server services REST operations and provides the fronted to the cluster’s shared state through which all other components interact
Worker/Slave Nodes:
1.Pod- It is a combination of containers that logically run together on nodes
2.Docker- It helps in running the applications in an isolated but lightweight operating.It runs the configured pods
It is a service responsible for conveying information to and from to the control plane service
It gets configuration of a Pod from the API server and ensures that the containers are working efficiently
The Kubelet process is responsible for maintaining the work status and the node server
4.Kubernetes Proxy-
It acts as a load balancer and network proxy to perform service on a single worker node
It manage pods on nodes,volumes,secrets,creation of new containers,health check-ups,etc
It is a proxy service that runs on every node and helps in making services available to the external host
Kubernetes v/s Docker
Orchestration Tools:- Orchestration tools are a set of commands used to deploy and connect an application.These tools focus on the process and not their outcome.There are numerous orchestration tools.The two most important are Docker Swarm and Kubernetes
- Ansible
Kops- Kubernetes Operations,- It is production grade K8s installation,upgrades,and management tool
How do rollback deployments work ?
Applying changes to a deployment process with the —record flag then kubernetes by default saves the previous deployment activities in its history
To display all the prior Deployment:
Command- Kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment>
To restore last deployment :
Command- Kubectl rollout undo deployment <deployment>
# Create files needed for the rest of the example.
echo -n 'admin' > ./username.txt
echo -n '1f2d1e2e67df' > ./password.txt
IMP Commands-
Kubernetes commands-
Minikube service <name of pod> —url (Creating pods web url)
kubectl cluster-info (Checking cluster info)
Kubectl get svc -n default (Checking running pods)
Kubectl get deployment
Kubectl expose deployment <name of pod>
kubectl get svc
Curl <url pod>:port (to check if it is working or not)
Kubectl delete deployment <name of pod>
kubectl delete sac <name of pod>
kubectl delete cluster
kubectl get nodes -o wide (to check current flavour, version of operating system)
How do rollback deployments work ?
Applying changes to a deployment process with the —record flag then kubernetes by default saves the previous deployment activities in its history
To display all the prior Deployment:
Kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment>
To restore last deployment :
Kubectl rollout undo deployment <deployment
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at
How SSH Pods-
Step 1- check running pods
kubectl get pods
Step2- kubectl exec -it <Pod_Name> -- /bin/bash
PS:- If /bin/bash is not working try /bin/sh
Step3- apt-get update (if it is Ubuntu)
#install openssl-server. Below assumes container is on ubuntu
apt-get update
apt-get -y install openssh-server
#create testuser
useradd testuser
passwd testuser
Enter password and confirm password (assume password in this case is 'password' as well)
#restart ssh service
service ssh restart
Kubectl get events
Kubectl get nodes
Kubectl describe node <name of node>
Step to install ansible in Ubuntu-
$ Sudo apt-get update
$ Sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ Sudo apt-add repository ppa:ansible/ansible
$ Sudo apt-get update
$ Sudo apt-get install ansible
$ Ansible --version
Host Inventory- Default path is /etc/ansible/hosts
In this file it manages details of the servers by using dns name or IP address so there could be multiple groups in a hosts
Ansible Module-
$ ansible all -m ping
$ ansible webservers -m command -a “ls”
$ ansible -i inventory all -m command -a “iptables -F” --become --ask-become-pass
$ ansible all -m setup
$ ansible-doc setup
Generating SSH Key-
$ ssh-keygen
$ ssh-copy-id -i <name of node/ipaddress>
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