
Showing posts from 2021

How to set firewall rule in Ubuntu

 First you need to check current status of the firewall. - sudo ufw status if it is showing inactive or not loaded then it's turned off, OR If it is showing running /active then need to hit below commands. - sudo ufw stop If you don't want to disable and you want to keep it ON then you can add firewall rule with required port number. Example- sudo ufw enable -sudo ufw allow 22 (Here 22 is port for SSH) in same way you can deny this port - sudo ufw deny 22

How to disable Screen Rotation in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

  With Root access just run below two commands: 1) gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen orientation-lock true 2) gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.orientation active false

How to install Kubernetes in Windows 10

  Step 1 - Install and setup Hyper-V Goto- Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features Click Turn Windows features on or off then select all the components came  under Hyper-V It may require a reboot machine. After installing this feature open PowerShell then run as administrator and hit below command. Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V Output will look like the screenshot below. Step2 - Now install docker for Windows. You can download it from the link below. Step3 - After installing docker right click on docker tray and goto settings from the left side click on Kubernetes and start it .Here it will take a few minutes to complete installation process along with dependencies. If everything goes well then you will see below screen. Step4 - Now install Kubernetes dashboard so that you can manage k8 resources through GUI. For doing this follow the below steps. Downl...

Remotely file copied from Linux to Windows Server

  We can simply copy files from Linux to Linux machine by using SCP utility but when we need to copy files from Linux to windows environments we can not SCP so how we can do it. There is a Utility which called PSCP  which will help us to complete this task. You can download it from official page. After download follow the below instructions for copying the file. Step 1- Open -CMD- <select path where.exe file has downloaded> Step 2- Command will looks like as below Step 3- Example command

ALL about Docker/Kubernetes/Ansible

<reference links> Kubernetes- Link Minikube- Link Kops- Link Docker Installation- 1- sudo apt-get update 2- sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport https 3- install docker dependencies by using- sudo apt install After that 4- need to start service by using below command- sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker Kubernetes Installation- Before installing K8 let's install curl command which will use for pull data 5- sudo apt-get install curl  6- add key(sudo curl -s | sudo apt-key add) 7- Now change the permissions for source.list directory sudo chmod 777 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ 8-Create afile bythe nameof <kubernetes.list> and saveas in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/location Add below url inthis file before saving it- deb kubernetes-xenial main Let see then- cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list You will get output below like this- deb https://apt.kubern...