Problem with Wi-Fi network during connecting our device

Issue-Some time we have seen that when we switch Wi-Fi network it means suppose we have 2 or more Wi-Fi network in our organization and we are connected with a network and if we want to connect out device with another Wi-Fi network out Internet Stopped working and It will not connect automatically or Some time It shows limited connectivity.
As per my experience this because of some Wi-Fi setting. We need to do some small work.
1. First of all check is it permission to us for accessing this network.
2. If yes then open network properties and choose your Wi-Fi adapter right clicks and disable it for 1 or 2 min after that enable it.
Check now is it working or not if yes then ok or if no then follow 3rd step
3. RUN-CMD- ipconfig /flushdns, ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew
Now you will be able to connect your Laptop with that Wi-Fi network.


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