How to assign permission on a share folder in windows 7 to a particular user

Suppose we have a user Test1 and we want to assign only Read permission on a particular share folder.
Here share name is Share Documents and in this folder there are 3 files and I want that test user can only see contain of this file and this user could not be able to  edit and delete so following steps help us for completing this task.

*Right click on this folder and choose share with option for sharing this folder and click on specific people tab.


After adding user then right click and choose following option and click on share button


After completing permission you will see this wizard. Click on share button

Now Test1 user can only access this folder with read permission .This user cannot edit file in this folder.
According this document we can assign permission to a user for our requirement.

Note-Remove everyone user group in this share.


Select user for applying permission here I want to read permission on Test1 User


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