TOP 5 Phishing simulators [2022]
The title of this article was supposed to be “Top 5 Free Phishing Simulators.” However, after much searching. The final list does not include any of the fishy apps that let you create a fake website or phishing site for collecting data. I wanted to focus on tools that allow you to actually run a phishing campaign on your own i.e. create and send at least one phishing email to a real recipient. Basically, if you are looking for a free phishing simulator for your company, you are down to three choices and many more are there; 1) Open-source phishing platforms 2) Demo versions of commercial products 3) Simple tools that will allow you to craft a simple email message and send it to one or several recipients using a specified mail server 5 Simulators are ; 1.Infosec IQ 2. Gophish 3.Phishing Frenzy 4.King Phisher 5.Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)